Benefits of artificial intelligence in e-commerce

The benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) are immense. It applies to plenty of domains, but we will focus on e-commerce. If you want to expand your knowledge, in this article we have discussed useful e-commerce applications that integrate artificial intelligence and also future trends.

How artificial intelligence works

We have compiled a list of ten benefits of using artificial intelligence in e-commerce:

1. Automation

Automation is a must for any e-commerce business that is expanding since it is more efficient than manual labor. For the reason that the business grows, repetitive tasks increase frequency.

2. Predictive marketing

Predictive marketing uses machine learning, which is a part of AI. First of all, your customers will receive better product suggestions. Then, based on data and calculations, you will be able to make better predictions of what your customers will want. As a result, your business will be more prepared to grow. AI can predict more intelligently the customers’ behavior and demand.

3. Personalization

AI helps companies deliver a seamless experience for their customers. Also, by analyzing all communication channels, it helps to send relevant messages at the right time. Instead of having a person guess when it is the best time to communicate with customers, AI, because it has created a universal customer view, will calculate it. As a result, retailers who provide a personalized experience are experiencing an increase in sales.

4. Visual search

Visual search statistics

Visual search uses images (like photographs and screenshots) for online searches. Artificial intelligence analyzes and understands the content of the images and returns a list of results related to it.

For e-commerce, this technology is useful in the fashion industry, home decor, and others that rely on pictures of objects. Visual search allows retailers to suggest items that are similar to the ones from the pictures.

5. Retarget potential customers and improve the sales processes

AI helps with enhancing the sales cycle, and, above all, it gives tailored solutions for individual problems. Even more, it helps reach the customers at the right time and on the right channel of communication.

6. Intelligent searches

Searches powered by artificial intelligence are different from the conventional ones. The main difference is the ability of AI to learn about the customer. Even more, the searches reflect not only what the customer asked for, but also other things that he might need.

7. Better logistics

The growth of artificial intelligence in e-commerce also reflects in warehouses. First of all, it is convenient because robots can work 24/7 without breaks. As soon as the customer places an order, a robot can be assigned to take the purchased item from the shelf, pack it in a box and get it ready for shipping. This increases the accuracy of the order while and it eliminates the possibility of human injuries, as it eliminates human errors. Also, it is very fast, reduces labor cost and the losses that occur due to damaged stock.

8. Post-sale follow up and better customer service

AI can assess individual customer inventory and behaviors to predict what they want. Also, it can be used for a series of automated tasks: post-sale follow up, taking care of complaints, emails with personalized offers.

9. Intelligent data management

AI uses raw data efficiently. It has improved flexibility, no restrictions about how data is queried and the ability to store various types of data in a common location. AI saves time because it doesn’t have to sort data structures when using it from different apps.

10. Speech recognition

Voice search statistics

Speech recognition is the ability of a machine to identify words or phrases in spoken language and convert them in a format that can be read by a machine. It works by using algorithms through modeling (both acoustic and language).

The number of voice searches made worldwide is increasing every day. Certainly, e-commerce retailers must integrate speech recognition on their platforms soon; otherwise, they risk losing customers. Speech recognition leads to faster transactions, increased engagement, and it provides accommodation for customers that are physically disabled.

Artificial intelligence is going to have a significant impact on e-commerce in the near future. It will ensure that customers experience enhanced shopping experience. AI is a must-have tool for e-commerce businesses that want to grow and achieve full potential.